Friday, February 6, 2015


Planning is always something I talk with my children about and practice as much as possible. Through planning and hard work I just celebrated 15 years in business the other day. Time flies when you are having fun! 
I would love to say it was all fun, but anyone self-employed knows you are the first to arrive and last leave most days. I owe a special thanks to my wife and children for putting up with crabby attitude some days. The worse days are behind me I believe and I look forward to the future of this business and my life in general.

A wise man once said…”Want to hear God laugh, just tell him your plans!” I try not project too much, but I do look forward to traveling and grandchildren. My friend, George Kippenberger, is living about the most rewarding life I can imagine and I would like to think I will live a life like his someday?

Oh well…on to the lawn items:

*Soil testing should be done soon if it was not done last fall. Having the proper pH makes sure all your fertilizers are working to their maximum and you are not wasting their potential. The pH should between 6.3 and 7.0. email or call me if you have further questions or want to bring in a soil sample?
*Keep the leaves either mowed up, blown or raked to the curb to prevent smothering the grass. These “pockets” of leaves can still cause dead spots!
*Pick a fertilizer company or make a plan to do it yourself, but make a plan either way and stick to it. All too often I see folks who make or buy one or two applications and quit making them or cancel the service. Lawn programs take 2-3 years to turn around a lawn and must include aerating and over seeding for best results.
*Get your lawnmower tuned up if you own one. Spring looks like it’s coming early this year!
*Buy an extra blade and have it sharpened and ready to go. It’s so much easier to keep a sharp blade on the mower when you own an extra one. Early stick drop and Sweet Gum balls dull a blade quickly in the spring!

Now, if anyone has good weight loose program I can use…let me know! Keep up the good work and your lawn will look better and better each year. Remember folks…it’s just grass!

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