Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Do’s and Don’ts of January Lawn Care

I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for spring. Reality tells me we are only half way through winter! There are some things that should or shouldn’t be doing with your lawn right now:

*Try to avoid walking on the lawn early in the morning when frost is present and or when you step in the grass and you can see water around your shoe print. Both of these situations can cause damage to the grass and compaction to the soil.
*Don’t worry about “tanned or burnt” looking grass. A short (2 “) mowing in the spring and few warm days will change the appearance quickly.
*Blow or rake leaves that are matted into the turf. This help the lawn thicken in the spring and allow the preemergent to work better too!
*Apply gypsum at 50# per 1000 ft. sq along edges that may be getting salt damage. Gypsum won’t change the pH of the soil, but will help nutrilize the sodium being added to the lawn edges.
*If it gets freaky warm for 4-5 days in a row and you want to mow the lawn…go ahead and do it. Mother Nature dictates our mow schedule, not Saturdays on the calendar. Make sure your lawn mower is ready before and stored properly after the mowing!!!
*Fertilizer applications are OK to do…as long the ground isn’t saturated. Only do this if you missed doing so in November/December.
*Don’t do anything to zoysia lawns (except remove leaves with a blower). Do Not mow or rake vigorously.
*Snow plow damage should be fixed after March 1st. We still have too much winter left.

The Holidays where very nice for me and my family this past season. I will hope 2014 will bring all of you physical and spiritual health.

I am a regular blood and platelet donor…please consider giving this gift when you can. There is real need for our local hospitals to get some donations soon!!!

Happy New year all,

Glenn Kraemer