Tuesday, May 3, 2016


Before I get started, I have a new website and a blog option with it, so thank you MaryAnn Fink for the managing my blog Truth N Turf all this time till I got my techy legs going, I've got it now I think! (you are very welcomed Glenn, you'll always be my Turfman-ma)

Visit my new website at

Except for my allergies, May is just about my favorite month of the year. I have a birthday, there are graduations and Mother’s Day takes place. My mom always was angst that secretary’s had “Secretary’s Week”, but she only got a day! It was my fathers fault of course…

The month of May also signals the need to start addressing our zoysia lawns. They are about 90% awake in the Shrewsbury area so here we go:

Mays Best Practices for both Lawn Types!

Warm Season Lawns

*Mow at 2”. Try to avoid leaving heavy clippings.

*Consider aerating and or power raking if thatch is a problem. Thatch over 1” is a problem folks.

*Be sure to apply a pre-emergent after either practice because you will wake up weed seeds!

*Apply a long lasting insecticide like Acelepryn if Chinch bugs or Bill Bugs have been a problem. 99% of all zoysia problems I have seen are insect related, not fungus related. Allectus (both quick and long lasting insectides) is also a good insecticide to apply right now.

*Spot treat herbicides in the next 2 weeks or wait until the lawn is fully out of dormancy!

*Consider using Ammonium Sulfate as your nitrogen source as this source gives a green that this second only to Ironite.

*Wait another 30 days to sod, but it’s OK to seed if you need to.

Cool Season Lawns

*Mowers need to be set at 3.5 inches or above if you have the nerve! Mowing heights (too short) causes most weeds and burned up lawns. We have to get past the “shorter is better” mentality! Shorter mowing does NOT equal fewer mowing’s!

*Spray weeds as needed. The violet, dandelions and clover are really aggressive right now. READ THE LABEL!!!!!!!!!!

*Avoid seeding if you can. It’s too late for best results.

*Consider applying organic based fertilizers the rest of the summer. They help the soil as much as the grass today. If the soil is right, plants can’t help but to be right too! (Unless you are mowing too short!)

If your cool season grass isn’t looking good right now, then something is wrong. You should have been able to fall out of bed and have a good looking lawn in this weather. Keep trying, it will get better.

I’ll close with the best of wishes to all the Mother’s out there. This will be my first Mother’s Day without my mom. I’ll use the time to reflect on our good times together and how I can be a better son, father, brother, husband and friend. She would want me to be that for them and myself. I’m going to read a book titled “On Fire” this month. It was suggested to me by two different friends on the same day…no coincidences in God’s plan for me I believe! I’m sure daughter (who works in a burn unit) will be getting it too!

Remember folks…it’s only grass.