Monday, July 8, 2013

July 2013

Now this is the July weather I’m use to!

Up until now I haven’t been using my irrigation much at all. The timely rains have reminded of the summer of 2009. Cool and rainy almost all summer, the cool season lawns were barely stressed and a whole bunch of folks skipped seeding that year (much to my chagrin). As of July 18th (99 degrees with a heat index of 105) and another week of the same on the way, is more like the last two summers. Here is the best advice I can give you on your lawn today:

Cool Season lawns:

*Water regularly and deeply if you can. I try to go 30-40 minutes a zone (on zones with heads that move side to side or 9-10 minutes on non-moving pop up heads), two days in row and then take two days off and repeat the cycle. If it rains a ½ inch or more, I’ll shut the system down for a day or two. I start watering so I’m finished by 9 am at the latest. I only worry about this with cool season lawns!
*Mow at 3 ½ inches MINIMUM and at 4 inches if possible. I’m mowing my church right now at 4 ½ inches and look s pretty good for an non-irrigated 4 acres! Sharp blades (replaced after every 8 hours of mowing) of course!
*Spot spraying Nutsedge (with Sedgehammer and surfactant), Spurge (with Trimec) and crabgrass (Drive) as needed. Reading the label is very important! Do not under estimate the heat or you can fry the good grass and create even more weeds. You can create the same weeds with string trimming too closely too!
*Apply fungicides (read the label to fully understand what you are buying and getting) and Merit insecticide now for grub control this summer and fall.
*Schedule an aeration and over seeding for September 1-15th. Don’t wait till the last minute or you’ll get last minute results! If you are renting equipment, go book the rental right now if you can and you won’t be left out!*
*Be prepared to fertilize in September, October and November. Your fall applications of nitrogen are what set up an easy green up next spring, without mowing your tail off. Remember, cool season lawns like nitrogen in the fall…but not much in the spring! Totally opposite of warm season lawns…read below!

Warm Season Lawns (zoysia mostly!)

*The “Hunting Bill Bug” is decimating Zoysia lawns right now! Apply a quick kill granule insecticide (ie. Dylox) and water in, or spray the lawn with a Permithrin (lots of choices). Both of these options will kill what is there to day, but you need/should apply some “Merit” product to have some long lasting insect control present in the grass plant. Next year we are going recommend two applications of “Merit” (early April and June 15th) to try and stop this insect in its tracks…early and often. Too many folks think they have a “disease”, when they really have an insect problem. Like so many things, one application or any one treatment this year won’t necessarily fix the problem. It’s process and steps need to be followed.
*Fungicide applications should NOT be made now. The “Headway” fungicide should be applied at 4 pounds per 1000 ft. sq on September 15th  , October 15th and again April 1-25th (weather dependant of course). All these applications work together (again a process). One should not doany of them if you aren’t willing to make all three applications.
*It’s not too late to aerate and or power rake/dethatch zoysia lawns! You have at least 2-4 weeks to do this still. Even this late in the year you should apply a ½ rate of preemergent herbicide after doing one or both of these processes to the lawn.
*Please give your zoysia lawn a high does of nitrogen fertilizer (organic or synthetic, it doesn’t matter). All zoysia lawns should be given a full pound of nitrogen this month! Stop fertilizing zoysia after August 15-30th. It wants to go to sleep and nitrogen is like caffeine to zoysia.
*Water at least 2 days a week (best between 8 am and 5 pm) and especially after applying any fertilizers. Remember, nothing we apply in granule form does anything for the lawn until we water it in!
*Spot spray the weeds as needed, but always first thing in the morning for best results. READ the label
*Mow with sharp blade 2 inches or so.

I would like to invite you to come and see my new location. We are now located at:10747 Trenton Ave, 63132. We are in the old Kribs Ford City Parts building at Warson and Page, behind the Wendys and Walgreens there. We are open Monday-Friday from 7:30-4:30. We start being open on Saturdays from 8-12 beginning August 31st. My new office number is 314-427-0300.

Stay hydrated and remember folks, it’s just grass. Also remember to do something nice for someone. I will make both you and them better.


Glenn Kraemer
GR Robinson Seed & Service Co.


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